Three potentiometers: One controls the person, another one the chicken and the other is
used to fall and introduction the egg in the chicken. The switch adds and removes the egg.
Real Time Animation with Arduino from charo carril on Vimeo.
How it works??
This is a small application of real-time control of image (programmed in AS3) and sound PD.
You can download all the programmed files in a compressed format.You should take into account the following steps.
1. Load the program in Arduino.
2. Open TinkerProxy.
3. Open FlashCS3 and make sure everything works.
4. Run the Gateway folder FloscServer.
5. Lastly open the Pd, and finally publish swf.
*the downloaded application, it is simpler than the video one, but it
allows to understand better the use of the array in AS3. This use only
two potenciometers to scale two movieclips, and one only package of connection to PD.
If you have some problem do not hesitate to communicate it to my e-mail adress.
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